
BERTH NUMBER 66 back to 20’s

毅然辭去高薪厚職,告別被工作磨蝕得只剩下呼吸的生活,重尋生活樂趣,就是BERTH NUMBER 66店主Afa創立自家服裝品牌背後的小故事。她把鍾情的20年代La Garconne品味融入自家設計中,演繹出剛柔並重的Tomboy「男仔頭」風格!

店舖亦貫徹Afa喜歡的20年代Art Deco元素,運用了黑和金色衣架裝置,以及黑白色幾何圖案地板,懷舊非常。

The design concept of BERTH NUMBER 66 originated from the La Garconne (stubborn woman) style of the 1920s. At that time, loose neutral clothing and Art Deco’s strong geometric patterns and line elements inspired Afa’s creative inspiration, so the series was retained The cutting characteristics of the lower waistline, and the details and fabrics of the clothes are presented with geometric shapes and lines. Using Art Deco and geometric patterns as the creative basis, incorporating different geometric lattices and metal-tone fabrics, the modern retro concept is A variety of dresses have been molded, with a neutral design, feel more casual.

In addition, there are a lot of retro accessories purchased from other places, such as silverware, bronze nostalgic mini photo frames and decorations, etc., and the Deputy Line BERTH NUMBER 18, which is managed by glasses collector Vincent, he specifically came from Germany and France Looking back for vintage glasses from the 60s to the 80s, such as Rodenstock, Gucci and Marwitz, it feels like going back in time!

副線BERTH NUMBER 18的復古眼鏡,全由眼鏡收藏家Vincent負責主理。

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